
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Beach Tarpon-Cobia

If you can get on the beach near the power plant in Jensen, the tarpon are THERE lots of them soaking in the warm water thats being  kicked out from the plant. The only thing is they are feeding on small baits, which from the beach may be a little harder getting it out to them. I suggest a small to med. crab, large shrimp, or some sort of bait fish on a cork , with a little weight, just enough to keep it a foot or so off the bottom.  A DOA swimming mullet should work if you want to throw artificial, something that has jus enough weight to get you out there. Also COBIA OFF THE BEACH?????? It can be done.... Up by the St. Lucie inlet there has been a lot of cobia ,and they do come in beach casting range. Your going to need a reel with a lot of line, and a jig the will get out there. At the piers they have been using a jig made by several of the anglers  

Works of art  
The cobia seem to love these things. 
Thats what I love about being a ON FOOT ANGLER I can try and do almost anything and it cost is no where near if I had a boat. Anyone can catch a cobia or tarpon out of a boat “BUT FROM WALKING THE BEACH”  That will be a fight you’ll never forget . 

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