Beautiful weather, lots of sun, no wind and warm, I love this place. So if every thing is so perfect where are the fish? Water has warmed; nights are cool but not cold so start fishing like it is summer. Look early, look deeper you have gone to the summer mode in one week.
Surf fishing has been scattered, you need to look around, put your bait deep and work it in. As the water warms the fish move in their comfort zone, start with a long cast and work the bait back to the shallow. Early is for the Blues but the bite has been after noon, water temps, they are in their comfort zone. These fish could be there early but you are not casting long enough to get to that zone, then a little wind and it moves the cooler water up close and here come the fish. I would locate Blue fish with cut baits then if they are close enough switch to a spoon. Summer not quite but it is time to start fishing in the summer mode. Whiting in the trough, Pompano in and out but Jacks are every where.
River it has been three feet of water, the action zone. Lots of small trout shallow, slot and bigger in that deeper water and because the water is deeper you can fish about any time you like. River is clear so look to go lighter on your leaders, Shrimp on a cork, soft rubber or suspending baits are all catching, Trout fishing has been very good. Reds have been little harder, not seeing the larger schools and late afternoon seems to be the best bite time, again go lighter with your leaders. Pompano are just not biting like they have been warmer water. Look to fish the deeper water, the channels, if they are on the flats it will adjacent those canals and channels, high tide preferred. Nice to hear about the Triple Tail riding the tide at the Jensen Causway and a good Trout bite from the Pier, mix in the Blues, Macs and Jacks stealing rods and reels from the catwalks and that tells it all. Yes those are Bone Fish in the Sail Fish Flats, no I don’t know what they are doing here other than the water is warming.
Till next week, has every one gotten their licence?????????????????? Henry
Monday, February 28, 2011
From White's Tackle - Ft Pierce
"Sharks", blackfin and spinner sharks are all along our coastline chasing after the bluefish and mackerel. Reports of bait along our beaches were scarce.
Inshore, we did hear of some good trout fishing around the midway road area on the west side of the lagoon. This is the time of the year when you can expect to find some big gator trout on the flats. When fishing for gator trout it is best to be on the water before sunrise. Top water lures work well for gator trout in the spring and you can't go wrong with live bait as well. As the water temperature rises the flats will be active early and late in the day.
Inshore, we did hear of some good trout fishing around the midway road area on the west side of the lagoon. This is the time of the year when you can expect to find some big gator trout on the flats. When fishing for gator trout it is best to be on the water before sunrise. Top water lures work well for gator trout in the spring and you can't go wrong with live bait as well. As the water temperature rises the flats will be active early and late in the day.
Sebastian Inlet Report
It's a beautiful but breezy morning at the inlet. Winds are blowing out of the East at 16mph and there is a moderate chop on the water.
Over the weekend we had the usual Blues, Spanish Mackerel and Sheepshead on the outgoing tides and the incoming produced several nice Black Drum. Anglers using sandfleas and dead shrimp had the best luck with the Drum and Sheepshead, spoons and gotcha lures for the Blues and Macks.
We are still seeing "shifts" of big Reds making appearances at night for a few hours at a time then pulling a disappearing act.
Over the weekend we had the usual Blues, Spanish Mackerel and Sheepshead on the outgoing tides and the incoming produced several nice Black Drum. Anglers using sandfleas and dead shrimp had the best luck with the Drum and Sheepshead, spoons and gotcha lures for the Blues and Macks.
We are still seeing "shifts" of big Reds making appearances at night for a few hours at a time then pulling a disappearing act.
From Capt. Charlie @Fishing Center-Fort Pierce
March has arrived on the Treasure Coast and, traditionally, we can expect windy conditions along with some rain clouds. It might dictate where and when you can get on the water, but at least we aren't cutting holes in the ice to fish! Water temperatures will continue to rise and the fish will be actively feeding on the flats. Winter has been kinder to us this year and the fishing has been very good so far. Take advantage of the good days and get out fishing.....
As the sun warms up the water again, look for fish to travel into the shallows to feed. Trout will continue to be most prevalent in the deeper grass flats in two to four feet of water. Those anglers using live shrimp on popping corks, Deadly Combos, CAL jerk baits and top water will have the best chance at hooking up with a trout. I like to fish the edges of the shallows where the water drops off to these depths. You can find some trout on the flats early, but they tend to go deeper after sunup. Depending on weather conditions, there are many areas to fish. Round Island, Bear Point and Harbor Branch are always popular to fish in March.
Redfish will get more active this month and you can find some tailing on the flats in early mornings. Top water, DOA shrimp, CAL grub tails or gold spoons are good choices for finding a spot tail on the flats. Don't forget to fish around the mangroves also. So far this winter, there has continued to be a good redfish population around the river and the fishing has been good for them. I tend to like the east side of the river for redfish, but you can find them on the west side also. Work your baits slowly along the bottom for best results. Learn to read the water so you don’t miss what is happening around you.
Anglers will continue to target snook around the inlets, docks and bridges on the Treasure Coast. Live bait always works best, but feather jigs, TerrorEyz and BFL lures can also get you hooked up. Most of the action will be at night with best results on the high ends of the tides. As the water warms up around the area, the snook action will liven up also. Those fishing the flats can also find snook feeding early or late in the day. Fish the mangroves during the rest of the day. Top water, twitch baits, TerrorEyz or CAL jerk baits can do the trick in March on the flats.
The pompano bite has been better this year. More fish have been caught south of Fort Pierce and they should be around this area throughout March. Whiting, Bluefish and pompano will be hanging around the beaches this month. The inlet will be holding Spanish mackerel, jacks and bluefish. Jack Crevalle and ladyfish continue to haunt the river and provide fun catch for all. Bridges should give up catches of sand perch, Sheephead and black drum on live or dead shrimp.
I think we are all ready for spring to arrive here on the Treasure Coast. It won't be long! Take some time to check all your equipment now and be ready as the weather improves to get out on the water. Make sure your reels are in good working order. Check your rods for broken or cracked tips and guides. How old in that line?? Get ready now on some of the windy days, so you will be ready to head out to the water! Have a great March for fishing!
As always, remember, fishing is not just another's an
Good Fishing and Be Safe,
Captain Charlie Conner
http://www.fishtalescharter. com
email: captaincharlie@
As the sun warms up the water again, look for fish to travel into the shallows to feed. Trout will continue to be most prevalent in the deeper grass flats in two to four feet of water. Those anglers using live shrimp on popping corks, Deadly Combos, CAL jerk baits and top water will have the best chance at hooking up with a trout. I like to fish the edges of the shallows where the water drops off to these depths. You can find some trout on the flats early, but they tend to go deeper after sunup. Depending on weather conditions, there are many areas to fish. Round Island, Bear Point and Harbor Branch are always popular to fish in March.
Redfish will get more active this month and you can find some tailing on the flats in early mornings. Top water, DOA shrimp, CAL grub tails or gold spoons are good choices for finding a spot tail on the flats. Don't forget to fish around the mangroves also. So far this winter, there has continued to be a good redfish population around the river and the fishing has been good for them. I tend to like the east side of the river for redfish, but you can find them on the west side also. Work your baits slowly along the bottom for best results. Learn to read the water so you don’t miss what is happening around you.
Anglers will continue to target snook around the inlets, docks and bridges on the Treasure Coast. Live bait always works best, but feather jigs, TerrorEyz and BFL lures can also get you hooked up. Most of the action will be at night with best results on the high ends of the tides. As the water warms up around the area, the snook action will liven up also. Those fishing the flats can also find snook feeding early or late in the day. Fish the mangroves during the rest of the day. Top water, twitch baits, TerrorEyz or CAL jerk baits can do the trick in March on the flats.
The pompano bite has been better this year. More fish have been caught south of Fort Pierce and they should be around this area throughout March. Whiting, Bluefish and pompano will be hanging around the beaches this month. The inlet will be holding Spanish mackerel, jacks and bluefish. Jack Crevalle and ladyfish continue to haunt the river and provide fun catch for all. Bridges should give up catches of sand perch, Sheephead and black drum on live or dead shrimp.
I think we are all ready for spring to arrive here on the Treasure Coast. It won't be long! Take some time to check all your equipment now and be ready as the weather improves to get out on the water. Make sure your reels are in good working order. Check your rods for broken or cracked tips and guides. How old in that line?? Get ready now on some of the windy days, so you will be ready to head out to the water! Have a great March for fishing!
As always, remember, fishing is not just another's an
Good Fishing and Be Safe,
Captain Charlie Conner
email: captaincharlie@
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Whites Tackle @ Ft Pierce
Inshore, one angler reported a nice catch of trout, south in the lagoon on the west side along the docks. The surf reports have all but stopped due to the arrival of large numbers of spinner sharks. The arrival of the sharks is something that happens every spring and they have a tendency to run off the pompano and bluefish. We are still getting some reports of redfish north in the lagoon yesterday, however with the high winds yesterday making it difficult to fish. Flounder fishing at the south jetty has heated a bit. Anglers are reporting more numbers of the flat fish taken on live shrimp.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Sebastian Inlet Report
It was breezy at the inlet this morning and there is a moderate chop on the water. Winds are blowing out of the East at 20 mph.
The Mackerel bite was short lived yesterday. Small schools of Pompano were running by the tip of the jetty but they were all short, in the 8" - 9" range, an anglers reported she must have landed 20 but they all had to go back. The morning was unproductive for her as she went home with one Whiting. She saw three Jacks come over the rails as well.
The story was a little different for a few anglers they pulled an all nighter Wednesday night through Thursday morning and during their first two hours on the north jetty pulled in some enormous Reds which were all released unharmed after photos. After two hours of fighting those big Reds, the rest of the night produced only Catfish. At sunrise, the Blues started hitting and they brought in 30 between them, all good sized.
The Mackerel bite was short lived yesterday. Small schools of Pompano were running by the tip of the jetty but they were all short, in the 8" - 9" range, an anglers reported she must have landed 20 but they all had to go back. The morning was unproductive for her as she went home with one Whiting. She saw three Jacks come over the rails as well.
The story was a little different for a few anglers they pulled an all nighter Wednesday night through Thursday morning and during their first two hours on the north jetty pulled in some enormous Reds which were all released unharmed after photos. After two hours of fighting those big Reds, the rest of the night produced only Catfish. At sunrise, the Blues started hitting and they brought in 30 between them, all good sized.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
From Scott@ White's Tackle - Ft Pierce
The inshore fishing has been good! Scott was out yesterday and had caught some nice redfish and caught a number of small reds. Gulp seemed to be the bait of choice. Both the shrimp and the jerk shad rigged weedless on a weighted worm hook worked great. Scott's friend Chris has been catching several nice trout north of Vero. He has had regular success catching them on soft plastics and jerk baits as well.
Sebastian Inlet Report
Another glorious day awaits you at the Sebastian Inlet! Winds are blowing out of the East at 5 mph and there is a light chop on the water.
Things are looking up a little as Spanish Mackerel in decent numbers are making an appearance. Although smaller than we usually see but bigger than they've been lately, (13" - 15" range), there are there for the catching. Gotcha plugs work very well for the Macks, as do spoons. We are also seeing some Blues and a couple of Black Drum have come over the rails this morning.
Things are looking up a little as Spanish Mackerel in decent numbers are making an appearance. Although smaller than we usually see but bigger than they've been lately, (13" - 15" range), there are there for the catching. Gotcha plugs work very well for the Macks, as do spoons. We are also seeing some Blues and a couple of Black Drum have come over the rails this morning.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Sebastian Inlet Report
What a beautiful morning at the Sebastian Inlet. Skies are blue, winds are blowing out of the Southeast 5 mph, the water is calm and the only thing missing are the fish!
Fishing has remained slow off the jetties over the past few days. Mike of Vero Beach was out on the north jetty yesterday and reported a very slow morning. Between 6:00 a.m. and noon Mike saw two small Sheepshead. a couple of Blues and two or three Mackerel on gotcha lures, but that was it for the morning. It was so slow that Mike is considering taking a few days off, which is unusual for him!
The other morning the fog was so thick you could barely see the jetty anglers reported. Fishing from 6:00 a.m. - 8:30 not having much luck except "junk" fish. Chuck moved to Coconut Point (the western tip of the campground) and when the sun came out about 10:00, the Spanish Mackerel and Blues started hitting well. Using spoons and gotcha plugs, Chuck brought in Blues and Macks in the 15" - 17" range, the largest weighing around 2 lbs. A fellow angler who was using cut bait brought in a Jack in the 10 lb range. Chuck said it was a great day of fishing! People forget that there are many places to fish within the State Park; it's not just from the jetties or beaches. Try your luck from the banks of the river!
Fishing has remained slow off the jetties over the past few days. Mike of Vero Beach was out on the north jetty yesterday and reported a very slow morning. Between 6:00 a.m. and noon Mike saw two small Sheepshead. a couple of Blues and two or three Mackerel on gotcha lures, but that was it for the morning. It was so slow that Mike is considering taking a few days off, which is unusual for him!
The other morning the fog was so thick you could barely see the jetty anglers reported. Fishing from 6:00 a.m. - 8:30 not having much luck except "junk" fish. Chuck moved to Coconut Point (the western tip of the campground) and when the sun came out about 10:00, the Spanish Mackerel and Blues started hitting well. Using spoons and gotcha plugs, Chuck brought in Blues and Macks in the 15" - 17" range, the largest weighing around 2 lbs. A fellow angler who was using cut bait brought in a Jack in the 10 lb range. Chuck said it was a great day of fishing! People forget that there are many places to fish within the State Park; it's not just from the jetties or beaches. Try your luck from the banks of the river!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
I did some looking around at the Jupiter Inlet and Juno Pier today. Still the fishing has been slow, but it was a beautiful day. The water was as clear as I’ve seen in a LONG TIME, but there was only a few ocean perch caught. I did see a few snook roaming the beach. I was able to see them from about 20-25 yds out, thats how clear and calm the water was. At the pier it was even slower. There where only tourist anglers out, none of the regulars. The only highlight was I saw some NICE sheepshead, and enough for me to wonder why I didn’t have a rod & reel, because there was NO ONE fishing for them. I’ve been asking around about why so slow down this way (Jupiter-Lake Worth) most are talking about the water temp. and there being a lot of work being done on the beaches (moving sand around) , I did notice that at the Jupiter Inlet the water on the inside of the south jetty looks real shallow and rocks covered by sand. The pier water seems shallower also. ??????
Sebastian Inlet Report
A beautiful day at the inlet. Winds are blowing out of the East at 5 mph and the water is calm.
Not a huge number of fish are being landed but a variety came over the rails yesterday with Blues, Spanish Mackerel, Sheepshead and Black Drum being caught. Keep your chins up anglers, the water temperatures will be rising soon and we should see the return of steady fishing in the near future.
Not a huge number of fish are being landed but a variety came over the rails yesterday with Blues, Spanish Mackerel, Sheepshead and Black Drum being caught. Keep your chins up anglers, the water temperatures will be rising soon and we should see the return of steady fishing in the near future.
From Scott@ White's Tackle - Ft Pierce
Inshore fishing has still been pretty good. Redfish are still cooperating as are the seatrout. The water has finally started to warm up and most flats fish are getting pretty active. There is still a great pompano bite from South Ft. Pierce to Stuart along spoil islands and the larger sand bars.
Have a great day, get out and get after it, looks like the highs are going to be close to 80 all week!
Have a great day, get out and get after it, looks like the highs are going to be close to 80 all week!
From Henry @ Snook Nook -Jensen Beach
Two perfect days, temps, no wind and fish, does it get any better??
If you were fishing the Virginia Forest, Tiger Shores beach in the morning I know you were in the Pompano, sand fleas and clam were the favored baits. This week the beach has been spotty, times varied as did the species with no pattern. Weeds started the week, not sure where they came from but there were plenty, then gone. Cool mornings would be perfect for Blues but they chose the afternoon hours and the Pomp’s were the early bite, I guess they didn’t read the chapter on preferred water temperatures. Look for the Blues early, cut bait will locate these fish, after the sun warms the edge for two hours you will notice the Whiting will move in if they have read the reference to water temperatures.
Trout and Red Fish for the river anglers, good catch’s reported from north of the power plant to the inlet using soft rubber baits and live shrimp. Most reported have been in the top of the slot with the red fish bite being better in the early afternoon. Docks along the west side of the river have been holding nice reds as well as trout too. Twitch baits and the Bomber Badonkadonk in the suspending and topwater versions have been a great choice. Lots of talk of skipping Pompano over the last week, and finally some talk of catching over the weekend. Good numbers in hells gate, sailfish flats and the crossroads. Jigs have put a hurting on them, 3/8 to a ½ ounce in chartreuse or pink will get bites. Bridge anglers have been reporting a nice mix of drum and sheepshead around the pilings, live shrimp or pieces of dead shrimp have been the bait of choice. Days like this remind me why I chose to live in Florida, sunshine and great fishing! Till next week…….
If you were fishing the Virginia Forest, Tiger Shores beach in the morning I know you were in the Pompano, sand fleas and clam were the favored baits. This week the beach has been spotty, times varied as did the species with no pattern. Weeds started the week, not sure where they came from but there were plenty, then gone. Cool mornings would be perfect for Blues but they chose the afternoon hours and the Pomp’s were the early bite, I guess they didn’t read the chapter on preferred water temperatures. Look for the Blues early, cut bait will locate these fish, after the sun warms the edge for two hours you will notice the Whiting will move in if they have read the reference to water temperatures.
Trout and Red Fish for the river anglers, good catch’s reported from north of the power plant to the inlet using soft rubber baits and live shrimp. Most reported have been in the top of the slot with the red fish bite being better in the early afternoon. Docks along the west side of the river have been holding nice reds as well as trout too. Twitch baits and the Bomber Badonkadonk in the suspending and topwater versions have been a great choice. Lots of talk of skipping Pompano over the last week, and finally some talk of catching over the weekend. Good numbers in hells gate, sailfish flats and the crossroads. Jigs have put a hurting on them, 3/8 to a ½ ounce in chartreuse or pink will get bites. Bridge anglers have been reporting a nice mix of drum and sheepshead around the pilings, live shrimp or pieces of dead shrimp have been the bait of choice. Days like this remind me why I chose to live in Florida, sunshine and great fishing! Till next week…….
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sebastian Inlet Report
Our web cam shows lots of people out on the north jetty this morning. It seems to be great fishing weather, but there is a wind coming out of the East approx 15mph.
Lots of variety caught over the weekend including
Black Drum, Bluefish, Spanish Mackerel, Sheepshead, and Redfish. Most prevalent catch: Spanish Mackerel and Sheepshead.
Tourist season is upon us! We are so fortunate to have the beautiful Sebastian Inlet to enjoy.
Lots of variety caught over the weekend including
Tourist season is upon us! We are so fortunate to have the beautiful Sebastian Inlet to enjoy.
From Capt. Charlie @Fishing Center-Fort Pierce
Warm spring weather has made for enjoyable outings all around the Treasure Coast. While the air was warm, the water temperatures continue to struggle towards warmer conditions. The bite slowed somewhat later in the week, but you could still catch sheephead around the docks. Our redfish bite slowed a little, but we were still able to catch a few in spite of cold water.
Trout should begin to bite very soon. We are just waiting on the temps to rise a few more degrees and the river should become alive with fish. CAL jerk baits always work well when trout fishing. Most of the action has been around bridges and docks with sheephead, bluefish and a good variety of others. Our redfish has been mostly around the dropoffs of some of the flats. Live baits and CAL jerk baits have worked best. It's still a transition period on the river and as temperatures continue to improve, so will the bite. Spring is almost here!
Remember, fishing is not just another's an ADVENTURE!
Thanks and Good Fishing!
Captain Charlie Conner
Trout should begin to bite very soon. We are just waiting on the temps to rise a few more degrees and the river should become alive with fish. CAL jerk baits always work well when trout fishing. Most of the action has been around bridges and docks with sheephead, bluefish and a good variety of others. Our redfish has been mostly around the dropoffs of some of the flats. Live baits and CAL jerk baits have worked best. It's still a transition period on the river and as temperatures continue to improve, so will the bite. Spring is almost here!
Remember, fishing is not just another's an ADVENTURE!
Thanks and Good Fishing!
Captain Charlie Conner
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Sebastian Inlet Report
It's another fabulous day at the inlet, winds are blowing out of the Southeast at 4 mph this morning and there is a light chop on the water. We have a wonderful weekend in the forecast, try to get out and do a little fishing! Fishing was slow yesterday but what a great day to be at the inlet. In the morning hours anglers caught Black Drum off the north jetty using shrimp, a few small and keeper Blues were landed on silver spoons and a couple of short Pompano came over the rails. That was about it for the north side. The south side had a little better action but overall, it was slow as well. Good sized Blues in the early morning hours, a couple of nice Pompano, a couple of Sheepshead and Whiting were landed by a few fishing the south jetty. Those anglers fishing the late afternoon incoming tide have had better luck than those fishing the outgoing tide. Some real nice Reds have been hitting in the late afternoon and evening hours. Anglers took advantage of some great weather Tuesday night and ended up pulling in 21 oversized Reds and 1 keeper, what a night! The men netted pinfish at the boat ramp for bait you didn't have to go far to land beautiful Reds. The oversized Reds were between 35" - 40" and weighed between 30 -35 lbs.. The tide pool restoration project is moving along quickly and we could see it reopened to the public in just a couple of weeks. It's going to be really nice! | Charlie, Chuck, Mike, and Tony, with Black Drum. |
From White's Tackle - Ft Pierce
Inshore, yesterday the bluefish bit big time at the south jetty catwalk. Anglers reported catching as many as 40 or 50 bluefish on spoons over a 2 hour period beginning at sunrise. Water temperatures on the flats are returning a little to normal and we have received reports of trout and redfish over this week. Black margate have been caught off the catwalk this week and we have heard some sheepshead around the pilings.
This weekend looks like it may be a nice one with some warm weather and sunny skies. For you early bird beach goers , blue fish, & macs at sun rise. As the sun comes up, around 10-11am the waters edge and inside flats, should be starting to warm up, the beaches have been holding whiting, crocker and pompano. Most of the regular beach guys have been using cut clams and catching all three. As you are traveling, look for the trucks with the big rod caring rigs on them or just big rods. The more fishy look trucks in a parking lot is a sure give away on where the fish are. Check the beach before you lug all your stuff out, if you see rods bending then make up your mind where you want so set up. GIVE yourself and the other anglers who have already been there room to fish. Nothing like getting tangled and loosing a good fish. Fisherman become friends fast and enemies even faster, so think about what your doing.
Inside on the flats, trout, redfish, black drum and sheepshead, look for structure, docs are the best, the longer the better. They are fish magnets. but be careful not to get -TOO- close, there is usually deeper water by them so boats can move around. Stand off and cast to them. Soft plastics have been working great for trout and redfish, but if using live bait put it on a cork so it can’t go to the bottom and hide in the sand or grass.
Fishing for sheepshead and black drum has been really good, then you might want to fish on or closer to the bottom. Target docks, seawalls and bridge pylons where the is a some sort of oyster type growth.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Sebastian Inlet Report
Another beautiful day at the inlet; it looks like spring has sprung! Winds are blowing out of the Southwest at 4 mph this morning but there is a small chop on the water and small craft should exercise caution.
Yesterday morning was slow on the north jetty according to Mike, who has been out there every morning this week so far. It's been on again and off again this week. The Black Drum bite slowed and only two came over the rails on the incoming tide. Several hook ups were lost at the tip of the north jetty due to wave action and spit hooks. A couple of short Pompano were caught and returned to the water and as usual, Blues appeared. Several Sheepshead were caught off the catwalk on sand fleas.
Yesterday morning was slow on the north jetty according to Mike, who has been out there every morning this week so far. It's been on again and off again this week. The Black Drum bite slowed and only two came over the rails on the incoming tide. Several hook ups were lost at the tip of the north jetty due to wave action and spit hooks. A couple of short Pompano were caught and returned to the water and as usual, Blues appeared. Several Sheepshead were caught off the catwalk on sand fleas.
From Scott@ White's Tackle - Ft Pierce
Inshore has been better this week with the warming trend. The water temps have risen and so has the action. Mixed bags of fish can be caught including plenty of reds, trout, flounder, bluefish, ladyfish, and jacks. Unfortunately the snook still haven't started to make their push onto the flats, and the juveniles are non-existent due to last years freeze. Top water action has started to pick up as well with the warmer water. She-Dogs and the mid sized Badonk-A-Donk are working great in the afternoons. D.O.A. floating Bait Busters have also been working well for both trout and redfish.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Don't Let Looks Fool Ya
My fishing buddy Steve gave me this receipt for Flounder (but you can use any other lightly flavored fish )
Place dried off fillets in a pan or foil, I use the throw-away foil pans. Put on a layer of crab meat (or not) then pour a can or two ** depending on how much fish**of ROTEL (mild) diced tomatoes & green chilies, but pour the juice out. You can use another brand but this already has all the seasons you may need with a little kick. Then sprinkle the thick shredded mozzarella cheese on. as much as you want. Do not cover with foil, leave open. Put in oven for about 25-35min. at 400 degrees or until that cheese starts to brown “Watch it”, don’t let it burn. Set back and enjoy :- }
Thanks Steve
Just A Note
Anglers, check out Snook-Nooks live web cast, every Thur. 8:30pm on ( snooknook .net ). Henry and Joe give a very good report on whats happen inshore and off. Sometimes they leak secret spots and,
after I tell you info. I listen to their show weekly. Henery and Joe, anglers themselves, have been in the fishing game for a while, they know and talk to other anglers who have and are fishing all the “HOT SPOTS” They've told me about spots I have never heard of,,,let more find them. They talk about little things that make a lot of sense when you think about them......example (because of the cool/cold weather why get up at the CRACK OF DAWN?? Wait until the sun is out awhile, let it warm up the bottom and water. MOST FISH are more active after they warm up a little. Makes sense to me, when its cold it takes me a while to get it together............
Check them out, you’ll learn something!!!!!!!!!!
Beach Tarpon-Cobia
If you can get on the beach near the power plant in Jensen, the tarpon are THERE lots of them soaking in the warm water thats being kicked out from the plant. The only thing is they are feeding on small baits, which from the beach may be a little harder getting it out to them. I suggest a small to med. crab, large shrimp, or some sort of bait fish on a cork , with a little weight, just enough to keep it a foot or so off the bottom. A DOA swimming mullet should work if you want to throw artificial, something that has jus enough weight to get you out there. Also COBIA OFF THE BEACH?????? It can be done.... Up by the St. Lucie inlet there has been a lot of cobia ,and they do come in beach casting range. Your going to need a reel with a lot of line, and a jig the will get out there. At the piers they have been using a jig made by several of the anglers
Works of art
The cobia seem to love these things.
Thats what I love about being a ON FOOT ANGLER I can try and do almost anything and it cost is no where near if I had a boat. Anyone can catch a cobia or tarpon out of a boat “BUT FROM WALKING THE BEACH” That will be a fight you’ll never forget .
Sebastian Inlet Report
The fog is burning off and it's going to be a glorious day at the inlet. Winds are blowing out of the East at 6 mph and the water is calm. Yesterday morning between 9:00 and 10:00 on the outgoing tide, the Black Drum bite turned on according to Mike Ricciardi of Vero Beach. Mike reported that 10 Drum came over the rails in the 22" - 27" range for anglers using shrimp and clam combos. A few small Blues and small Spanish Mackerel came over the rails on Gotcha lures. The late afternoon brought another strong Black Drum bite along with small Macks in the 11" - 13" range. Macks must be 12" to the fork of the tail. Sheepshead, Flounder and Reds also made an appearance after 6:00 p.m. |
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
From Henry @ Snook Nook -Jensen Beach
It looks like most pompano have temporarily moved out of the area, which has been the case all season. A few days of brisk cold weather will push them out, then a week of warm to bring them back. Of course there is still a few hanging around, and anglers braving the wind and cold have been picking at them. Yellow and white, pink and white, and chartreuse and white jigs have all been working, but take a ½ oz jig in this wind. Look in deep cuts and channels, where water temperatures are more consistent, if there’s a pompano around that’s where he will
be. Incoming tide would be best.
Still a good number of trout, but the north wind, strait down the river makes flats fishing somewhat difficult. Canals, mangrove cuts and spoil islands will be your best bet. Again, you’re looking for deeper water. When a cold front pushes in, temperatures in shallow water will fluctuate more than in deeper water; trout and redfish will look for the more consistent water temps. Soft plastic jerk baits in a 5’’ glow or white, and when used in that depth, a 3/8oz jig head. A ½ oz DOA shrimp worked slowly should bend a rod as well. If you’re a hard bait fan, the L52mr mirror lure, when worked along docks and seawalls has produced bites.
The beach has just not been friendly the last few days either. Strong current and winds have made holding bottom rather difficult. Look for a good showing of large schools of jacks and blues corralling bait on the beach when the wind does calm. Spoons and top water baits will entice bites from both. Those fishing the Ft. Pierce jetty have been catching good size flounder and a few redfish as well.
Hopefully this report finds everyone in shorts and sandals; I know I’m ready for it…..
From Scott@ White's Tackle - Ft Pierce
Inshore has been fairly good as well. We fished the last couple of days and found plenty of nice redfish. The trout bite to the North seemed to have slowed a bit. There are some nice pompano showing up South of South Bridge on the strip bars. The F.P. Inlet is smack full of big snook if you want to do some catch and release fishing.
Sebastian Inlet Report
02-15-11 TUESDAY: BLACK DRUM, SHEEPSHEAD AND REDS It's cool out on the jetties this morning but it should warm up nicely this afternoon. We are expecting temperatures in the mid 70's. Winds are blowing out of the East at 10 mph and there is a small chop on the water. A couple of nice fish came over the rails yesterday morning according the Vero Beach's Mike Ricciardi who was out on the north jetty for the morning session. Overall, it was a slow morning but Sebastian's Tony Swiderski had the best luck with two enormous Sheepshead, a Black Drum and an oversized Red that was returned to the water. a real nice Black Drum. Mike reported that most anglers were using live shrimp and clams. Thanks for the photos and update Mike! | ![]() | ![]() |
Monday, February 14, 2011
From White's Tackle - Ft Pierce
There have been reports of tarpon moving along our beaches, and south around the discharge at the nuclear plant some very large tarpon have been found. Pompano are still around in the surf as well as bluefish.
Inshore, north in the lagoon we have heard encouraging reports of redfish, trout and flounder caught on Berkley gulp jerk baits. Snapper have been reported along the channel edges, live shrimp has been the bait of choice. Snook fishing has been good along the south side of the inlet. Very good reports have come from the Sea Tern apartments.
Inshore, north in the lagoon we have heard encouraging reports of redfish, trout and flounder caught on Berkley gulp jerk baits. Snapper have been reported along the channel edges, live shrimp has been the bait of choice. Snook fishing has been good along the south side of the inlet. Very good reports have come from the Sea Tern apartments.
Sebastian Inlet Report
Fishing was fair over the weekend with catches of Spanish Mackerel, Blues Black Drum, Reds, Sheepshead, Flounder all coming over the rails. This morning a good sized Pompano was landed off the north jetty, hopefully more will follow! Anglers have been using silver spoons and Gotcha plugs for the Blues and Macks, clams and shrimp for the Black and Red Drum and clams, shrimp or crabs for the Sheepshead.
Approximately 25 Reds came over the rails along with 2 Snook and three Black Drum.
Approximately 25 Reds came over the rails along with 2 Snook and three Black Drum.
A Cold Day But A Good One
Flounder, at Fort Pierce Was my big catch of the weekend, I caught 6 and kept 3, 14-16” and this nice one 21”. Im 6’5” and 285 lbs. so this fish may not look as big in my hands but it was a doormat. There where about 15-18 keepers that day, Jetty Eddie had 5 and my fishing buddy Steve had 3. Steve has been killing flounder for the past 2-3 months he’s leaving with at least 3 every trip (lucky guy). Falling tide seems to be the best time to fish them, I caught these late and ran out of sun light. Steve and I where using live shrimp on a 1/4-1/8 hook up jig head, Eddie has his own special bait in a jar????? Most of the fish where caught in shallow water in the sand just off the rocks. there where a few blue fish also being caught.
From Capt. Charlie @Fishing Center-Fort Pierce
Winter is gradually losing it grip on the Treasure Coast. Still some cold fronts to deal with, but they have only been bringing a few nights in the 40's and the days have been quite sunny and warm. You can expect that the winds will still be blowing, but we will have plenty of days to get out fishing!
We found a good early bite that slowed once the latest front worked its way into the area. We caught some big fish that day and we enjoyed being out on the river. James caught a nice 27" redfish to top off his day, while Evelyn caught a 25" redfish and a 28" fat gator trout. It certainly gave her a battle that she will remember!
Trout have been feeding out there if you can find any warmer water or bait around the flats. We have been fishing those types of areas and having success. Live baits, CAL jerk baits and Deadly Combos are on the top of my list when it comes to trout. We have found our redfish in similar areas and willing to hit the same lures. The reds have been much more willing to bite than trout lately. The docks and bridges have held lots of sheephead this month. Live or dead shrimp continue to produce fish. The inlet and turning basin have held bluefish, jacks and mackerel. The best action has been around the jetties. I had several good reports of flounder around the sand flats and back side of the jetties.
The surf has been producing whiting and pompano. Most of the pompano action has been south until the water temperatures warm up to bring them farther north. Clams, sand fleas and shrimp have worked well along with Doc's Goofy Jigs. It can be a challenge with the windy days, but there are plenty of place to fish if you use the winds to your advantage. Getting out early is one way to get in some great fishing time before the winds set in for the day. Have fun and enjoy the fishing!
Remember, fishing is not just another's an ADVENTURE!
Thanks and Good Fishing!
Captain Charlie Conner
We found a good early bite that slowed once the latest front worked its way into the area. We caught some big fish that day and we enjoyed being out on the river. James caught a nice 27" redfish to top off his day, while Evelyn caught a 25" redfish and a 28" fat gator trout. It certainly gave her a battle that she will remember!
Trout have been feeding out there if you can find any warmer water or bait around the flats. We have been fishing those types of areas and having success. Live baits, CAL jerk baits and Deadly Combos are on the top of my list when it comes to trout. We have found our redfish in similar areas and willing to hit the same lures. The reds have been much more willing to bite than trout lately. The docks and bridges have held lots of sheephead this month. Live or dead shrimp continue to produce fish. The inlet and turning basin have held bluefish, jacks and mackerel. The best action has been around the jetties. I had several good reports of flounder around the sand flats and back side of the jetties.
The surf has been producing whiting and pompano. Most of the pompano action has been south until the water temperatures warm up to bring them farther north. Clams, sand fleas and shrimp have worked well along with Doc's Goofy Jigs. It can be a challenge with the windy days, but there are plenty of place to fish if you use the winds to your advantage. Getting out early is one way to get in some great fishing time before the winds set in for the day. Have fun and enjoy the fishing!
Remember, fishing is not just another's an ADVENTURE!
Thanks and Good Fishing!
Captain Charlie Conner
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Hook Kids On Fishing
Hook Kids on Fishing - Volunteers Needed!
Are you looking to have a great time outdoors promoting the future of fishing in your local community? If so, a Hook Kids on Fishing Program might just be your avenue!!! Listed below are upcoming events. Contact Rodney Smith at rodney@ to join the fun.
Spring 2011 Hook Kids on Fishing Schedule
March 19 ~ Jensen Beach*************
March 25 ~ Orlando, Mudhole
April 2 ~ Sebastian
April 16 ~ Titusville
April 30 ~ Apopka Foliage Festival
May 7 ~ Edgewater
May 14 ~ Punta Gorda
May 21 ~ Merritt Island
Anglers For Conservation Serving Florida's Fishing Community with Education & Conservation Programs.
Donations can be made out to Anglers For Conservation, PO Box 373257, Satellite Beach, Florida 32937-1257; or online at www.anglersforconservation. org
From Scott@ White's Tackle - Ft Pierce
Inshore the trout bite has been good. Some nice fish have been caught South of Bear Point and along the I.R. Drive. D.O.A. shrimp have been working well as are jerk baits in white or pearl. The redfish are still here in good numbers and seem to be more cooperative on and incoming tide. Pompano fishing is still good. There were several beefy ones caught this week in the 5# range.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Flea Market
Don’t forget about the West Palm Beach Marine Flea Market And Sea food Festival this weekend. I think I have everything under the sun for fishing ****** BUT ****** I seem to find Something to add to my tackle box every year. If you see a BIG GUY with a ONFOOTANGLER shirt on, that’ll be me . Say hi, and talk for a few.
There were lots of fish to be caught and several anglers reported Blues, Sheepshead, Spanish Mackerel and Flounder. One Angler caught a huge Redfish while fishing under the bridge. The carcasses from last week's fish kill out at sea have definitely thinned out at the Inlet. Depending upon the direction of the wind, the stench isn't too bad now.
A few flounder caught on a live mud minnow.
The weekend weather prediction states lots of sun and not too cold and not too hot. Should be just perfect for heading out to the Inlet with your families and your fishing gear.
Native Tackle Supply carries mud minnows, mullet and live shrimp, along with everything else you could want for fishing. Tell Mike, Tony from ON FOOT ANGLER sent ya
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Sebastian Inlet Report
It's a little cool with winds approx 25 mph coming out of the East this morning at the Sebastian Inlet. There are approximately 15-20 anglers out there on the north jetty. Yesterday, the fish catch included lots of Blues, along with Spanish Mackerel, Drum, Redfish (in the drum family), Flounder and Sheepshead.
In case you were wondering, some people say that Spanish Mackerel are a bit 'oily', but they are very yummy. Flounder are really delicious and Drum are very good as long as they are below 10 lbs. Any Drum above that tend to have worms. Sheepshead are good eating but they are difficult to clean!
In case you were wondering, some people say that Spanish Mackerel are a bit 'oily', but they are very yummy. Flounder are really delicious and Drum are very good as long as they are below 10 lbs. Any Drum above that tend to have worms. Sheepshead are good eating but they are difficult to clean!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Sebastian Inlet Report
Not many fishermen on the jetties this morning, but it is warming up nicely. The wind is about 9 mph and blowing out of the southwest.
A report from the Inlet Bait & Tackle Shop this morning said that many anglers limited out on Spanish Mackerel yesterday using gotcha plugs. They also brought in lots of Sheepshead using shrimp, and if nothing else, they caught Blues using just about anything.
A report from the Inlet Bait & Tackle Shop this morning said that many anglers limited out on Spanish Mackerel yesterday using gotcha plugs. They also brought in lots of Sheepshead using shrimp, and if nothing else, they caught Blues using just about anything.
From White's Tackle - Ft Pierce
Good Morning, The fishing report from yesterday was not very exciting! In fact not much mention was made to how the fishing was good or bad. However I do know that the spanish mackerels are still very plentiful along treasure coast beaches. Many anglers have been catching them both from the beach and from boats several hundred yards off the shore. Lures of choice have been Sea Striker Gotchas and Jig fish, Deadly Dicks, and a silver spoon. There have also been an abundance of bluefish mixed in. They will hit the same lures and make great table fare along side the fresh mackerel. Good Luck and enjoy the beautiful weather today!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Sebastian Inlet Report
It's pretty chilly out on the jetties this morning. Winds are blowing at 18 - 20 mph and there is a moderate chop on the water.
The stench is abating as the dead fish clear out, we could see them wash in and out for a few more days but there are less and less of them each day. There aren't a lot of people out on the jetties this morning. Yesterday morning was very slow on the north jetty according to anglers. Reports of a few Sheepshead and one Flounder only.
The afternoon tide change brought a strong Bluefish bite along with a few more Sheepshead for anglers using live shrimp.
The stench is abating as the dead fish clear out, we could see them wash in and out for a few more days but there are less and less of them each day. There aren't a lot of people out on the jetties this morning. Yesterday morning was very slow on the north jetty according to anglers. Reports of a few Sheepshead and one Flounder only.
The afternoon tide change brought a strong Bluefish bite along with a few more Sheepshead for anglers using live shrimp.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sebastian Inlet Report
We're sure everyone is wondering what is going on with all the dead fish at the inlet. According to Park Rangers, the cold water mixed with a low tide and an enormous school of bait fish (menhaden), depleted the oxygen in the Indian River and the fish suffocated. It is not uncommon although we've not seen a kill in this proportion. Fishing was slow over the weekend but the dead fish seem to be clearing out. The outgoing tides are taking the carcasses out and making the air a little fresher!
This morning Blues and a few Spanish Mackerel are biting. Blues aren't particular but spoons work well for both species. Gotcha plugs are a favorite of the Spanish Mackerel.
An angler reported the clear water on the eastern side of the tide line contained dead or gasping fish. On the other side, the fish apparently were in more oxygenated water and were very much alive.
This morning Blues and a few Spanish Mackerel are biting. Blues aren't particular but spoons work well for both species. Gotcha plugs are a favorite of the Spanish Mackerel.
An angler reported the clear water on the eastern side of the tide line contained dead or gasping fish. On the other side, the fish apparently were in more oxygenated water and were very much alive.
From Whites Tackle-Ft. Pierce
Inshore, sheepshead can be caught around the channel markers back in the lagoon. The amazing run of bluefish is still happening and we heard of some great catch and release action for snook on the south side of the inlet. Trout fishing back in the lagoon has been good at times, we have been getting reports from both north and south of the inlet.
From Henry @ Snook Nook-Jensen Beach
Another week gone by and the fishing has continued to be great here in little Jensen Beach. Anglers from all areas are catching good numbers of all species. Whether it is the beach, the bridge, offshore, the flats or the inlet, you just need to get out and get a line wet. I’ve never caught anything from my couch.
Beach anglers, I don’t think we have talked about pompano enough. These fish are holding anywhere from bathtub beach, up through tiger shores, and all the way to Ft. Peirce. Clams, sand fleas, shrimp and Fish Bites have all caught fish this week. Although we have had anglers report poor fishing in certain areas, most of them never move! If you find the beach that you’re at is not producing, pick up and head north or south. These fish do have tails and there’s a lot of beach out there, they may not be out back of your condo today, but tomorrow is a different story. Of course the tackle shredding bluefish have been wreaking havoc on pompano fisherman as well. Nice whiting and croaker up to Normandy beach and Herman’s bay. Typical double hook whiting rig with a few pieces of shrimp should get you a bucket full.
The trout bite has been incredible. Between the Jensen Causeway and the south bridge in Ft. Peirce, pick a grass flat. Live shrimp fans it’s a no brainer. 3-5 feet is where you want to start. Have had a lot of anglers putting in at little mud creek so you can use that as a reference point. Soft plastics in a pearl or glow have claimed numerous fish, although the Mirrolure mirrodines worked slowly has been a hot plug as well.
St. Lucie River has shown some good action around Hells Gate, and the Roosevelt Bridge, but what about the North Fork? Dare I say it, Pompano. Yes Pompano. Anywhere from Club Med to Kitchen Cove, all the way up to Prima Vista. Most of these fish are good size and hanging in the deep holes and channels. 3/8 to a ½ ounce jig will get you on the bottom. Goofy Jigs, nylures, and gulfstream jigs in yellow or pink will catch them.
Well football season is over, so its time to get off that couch and get back on the water……..the fish are waiting.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Fishing Where The Fish Are
If you want to catch fish, you need to be up in the Stuart, Jensen Beach,and Ft. Pierce area. Not saying you can’t catch them SOUTH but all the reports are coming from up NORTH. I live here in Palm Beach, but as much as I fish north you would think I lived up there. I’ve been by a lot of the piers and jetties in Palm Beach and south and its been a little slow
So - I go where the fish are and I’m catch-em, all kinds Pompano, trout, flounder, red and black drum, macks, perch, margates, jack and the list goes on. Hey I love to fish close to home but --- I LOVE TO FISH. If you have a fishing report, photos, or just want to share some fishing info. let me hear from you....I know your out there catching them somewhere, and I can’t be everywhere at once.
From Capt. Charlie @Fishing Center-Fort Pierce
It was a fantastic week around the Treasure Coast. Both weather and fishing cooperated to make for some great fun out on the water. Warm days in the 80's can make you forget that it is still wintertime around the area. Hopefully it stays that way for a while!
I had Ron, Mike and Timberly out this week and we found the fish were hungry and feeding around the edges of the flats. They teamed up for a dozen redfish, some nice trout and a lot of other fish to round out their day. Ron landed a 25" trout to top off his catch, while Mike caught a 22" redfish and Timberly had a battle to land her 25" red. We had a lot of fun out there on the Indian River!
The water continues to warm up and so are the fish. Warm water and baitfish can only mean that the predators are nearby. Fish around bait when you see it and you should have some success. Trout and redfish have been the best action around the flats. Fishing in two to five feet of water with Deadly Combos, live shrimp and CAL jerk baits can help you find where the fish are feeding. You should find trout on most flats by now. Drift fishing across the flats can speed up finding where the fish are feeding on any given day. Snook fishing should begin to pick up soon as the water warms up to their liking. We should also see the big jacks invading the river.
There are still some flounder being taken on the back side of the jetties and all the bluefish and mackerel you can handle around the mouth of the inlet. The turning basin in Fort Pierce has also been full of blues and jacks. Shiny lures or shrimp on jig heads can get you in on the action. The tackle shops have been having a run on silver spoons this month! The sheephead and black drum have been all over the river. Fish the docks, bridges and structure to find some big sheephead this time of year. Live or dead shrimp can get you in on the bite.
The surf has been good for whiting and blues with most of the pompano action being to the south of Fort Pierce. Try walking along the beach with a top water lure at first light and see what you can catch! February has already been a good month and it has just started. Get out soon and enjoy the weather and the fishing!
Remember, fishing is not just another's an ADVENTURE!
Thanks and Good Fishing!
Captain Charlie Conner
captaincharlie@ fishtalescharter.comI
I had Ron, Mike and Timberly out this week and we found the fish were hungry and feeding around the edges of the flats. They teamed up for a dozen redfish, some nice trout and a lot of other fish to round out their day. Ron landed a 25" trout to top off his catch, while Mike caught a 22" redfish and Timberly had a battle to land her 25" red. We had a lot of fun out there on the Indian River!
The water continues to warm up and so are the fish. Warm water and baitfish can only mean that the predators are nearby. Fish around bait when you see it and you should have some success. Trout and redfish have been the best action around the flats. Fishing in two to five feet of water with Deadly Combos, live shrimp and CAL jerk baits can help you find where the fish are feeding. You should find trout on most flats by now. Drift fishing across the flats can speed up finding where the fish are feeding on any given day. Snook fishing should begin to pick up soon as the water warms up to their liking. We should also see the big jacks invading the river.
There are still some flounder being taken on the back side of the jetties and all the bluefish and mackerel you can handle around the mouth of the inlet. The turning basin in Fort Pierce has also been full of blues and jacks. Shiny lures or shrimp on jig heads can get you in on the action. The tackle shops have been having a run on silver spoons this month! The sheephead and black drum have been all over the river. Fish the docks, bridges and structure to find some big sheephead this time of year. Live or dead shrimp can get you in on the bite.
The surf has been good for whiting and blues with most of the pompano action being to the south of Fort Pierce. Try walking along the beach with a top water lure at first light and see what you can catch! February has already been a good month and it has just started. Get out soon and enjoy the weather and the fishing!
Remember, fishing is not just another's an ADVENTURE!
Thanks and Good Fishing!
Captain Charlie Conner
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