
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Slow But Getting Better

Got word there has been a few cobia at Juno Pier but its been hit or miss on them and everything else. Blues one day, pompano another, with a few macs, ocean perch, whiting and croaker mixed in.
Lake Worth has been quite also, some good fishing here and there. Nothing to grab my rods and go for.
 A fishing buddy who fishes the Ft Pierce jetty a lot has been getting some nice flounder up there, but being there on the right tide is the key.
I’ve been doing a lot of wade fishing at Hermans Bay, just north of the Jensen causeway and Snook-Nook Bait and Tackle. The last two times there I’ve caught...sheepshead, red and black drum and nice trout, the water has been cold but the bites have been on. The fish have been hanging around the docks there, you need to watch the tides, the water gets a little deep at high tide. I'm 6'5" and the water was just below my chest at about 10-15ft away from the docks at high tide, but there are a lot of high spots all around 
 Pompano have been caught off the beaches, but they are on the move up and down the coast

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